i believe the spaces we tenant have a strong influence on our happiness.  whether we know our own style or not, the objects we engage with and places we inhabit subtly affect our thoughts and feelings.  this is why i think design is important, because it involves human emotion.  my design interests include residential renovation and new construction, interior design, furniture design and art.  i wish to create lasting ideas which use resources thoughtfully.

just me tall.jpg

experience timeline:


important people:


freelance architectural consultant  bay area since 2010

solomon cordwell buenz (SCB)  high-rise residential in chicago 2007-2009

kurt baum & associates  single family residential in minneapolis 2006-2007


bachelor of architectureiowa state university 2006


andrew alexander green  my husband, friend and fellow architect. since 2007 nobody has impacted my personal style as much as he has.

kate courteau  my friend, mentor and colleague since 2010, we have embarked on many fun projects together.

carlo scarpa is my favorite designer because the style of his work is timeless.

samuel mockbee is my favorite architect for his thoughtful repurpose of materials and service to the under-served.

want to know more? contact me by email jonnaalexandergreen AT gmail DOT com